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Regulated Entity

Experienced Team

Attractive Products

Transparent Pricing

orion connects you to over 40,000 products

Orion Principals LTD is an ADGM regulated Brokerage Company situated in Abu Dhabi. Orion offers Securities Trading to international clients, guaranteeing a full felxible 24/5 service based on its highly experienced team.

Orion Trader is the perfect alternative to connect daily traders to the international financial markets and be in full control of their investments.

With Orion, you can build and manage your investments with confidence. We take care of you, making sure our offered products are suited to your needs and managed properly. You’ll have total control over your finances, while we help you monitor and execute your ideas. Contact one of our experts to learn what we can do for you.


At Orion, we ensure that your confidentiality is uncompromised so that you may focus on growing your portfolio while we help you manage the risks.

*Services include products that are traded on margin and carry a risk of losses. The products may not be suitable for all investors. Please ensure that you fully understand the risks involved.





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